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Friday, June 6, 2014

Chi-Trek Day 1: The Klingon Emissaries

     Today, the city of Rosemont saw a marked increase in its population of Star Trek fans as the Official Star Trek Convention came to town. As the first day of a three-day affair, the masses were eagerly anticipating the affairs, and they did not disappoint. First up was Anthony Montgomery, from the show Enterprise. After some discussions over what he is doing lately, he took some questions from fans. Then after a Star Trek Yes/No trivia game, two Klingons took to the stage! In reality, they were the actors Robert O'Reily and J.G. Hertzler, who played Gowron and Martok, two Klingons on the show.  They proceed to put on a marvelous show together, even launching into a medley of all the anthems of the armed forces(an appropriate action given that today is the 70th Anniversary of D-Day).  Then they wind up doing something that I'm sure you've never thought about Klingons doing-they began to rap.  I kid you not.  It was quite fascinating and something that clearly must be seen to be believed.
     After another period of theatrics from the Klingons, the stage cleared for a remembrance of Star Trek stars since deceased, including DeForest Kelley and James Doohan.  After the retelling of several personal anecdotes, makeup artist John Paladin took to the stage for a demonstration of how he applies Klingon facial makeup.  To get the full effect of this, he even selected a member of the audience to get made up in his chair while he talked through the process.  After that demonstration, time was up for that day of the convention, and the MC bade everyone a good night and told us all to come back for more fun on Saturday, which is exactly what I am planning to do so.

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